Journal Publication
The Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ) is the journal dedicated to the documentation of R&D achievements and technological development relevant to the construction industry within Malaysia and elsewhere in the world. It is a collation of research papers and other academic publications produced by researchers, practitioners, industrialist, academicians, and all those involved in the construction industry.
The papers cover a wide spectrum encompassing building technology, materials science, information technology, environment, quality, economics, and many relevant disciplines that can contribute to the enhancement of knowledge in the construction field.
The MCRJ aspire to become the premier communication media amongst knowledge professionals in the construction industry and shall hopefully, breach the knowledge gap currently prevalent between and amongst the knowledge procedures and the construction practitioners. The MCRJ also indexed in the Scopus Elsevier®. |
Construction Research Institute of Malaysia (CREAM)
Publication Type
Printed & Online
Publication Frequency
3 times per year
Guide to Author
The Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ) is the journal dedicated to the documentation of R&D achievements and technological development relevant to the construction industry within Malaysia and elsewhere in the world. It is a collation of research papers and other academic publications produced by researchers, practitioners, industrialists, academicians, and all those involved in the construction industry.
The papers cover a wide spectrum encompassing building technology, materials science, information technology, environment, quality, economics, and many relevant disciplines that can contribute to the enhancement of knowledge in the construction field. The MCRJ aspire to become the premier communication media amongst knowledge professionals in the construction industry and shall hopefully, breach the knowledge gap currently prevalent between and amongst the knowledge producers and the construction practitioners.
Articles submitted will be reviewed and accepted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere. The authors must fill the Declaration of the Authors form and return the form via fax to the secretariat. The length of articles should be between 3,500 and 8,000 words or approximately 8 – 15 printed pages (final version). The manuscripts should be written in English. The original manuscript should be typed one sided, single-spacing, single column with font of 11 point (Times New Roman). Paper size should be of Executive (18.42 cm x 26.67 cm) with 2 cm margins on the left, right and bottom and 3 cm for the top. |
For any enquiries, please contact our support. |
The Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ)
Tel : +603-2779 1479